Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Don't Be So Defensive!

1st Line of Defense:  Rapid tail rattling on the ground and coiled position.

2nd Line of Defense:  Quick strikes, and a bite

3rd Line of Defense:  Poop, and poop some more!

I feel it has been a good night when I have been bitten once and pooped on twice:)  I went on a third night hike tonight, but ended up rescuing snakes from the middle of the road along a stretch of canal.  The night air was a bit cool, so they were definitely trying to soak in some heat.  Two fox snakes the length of my arm and a small garter snake were removed from the road before getting run over.  The first one that bit me would have been dead had I not stopped to grab it.  A car was just turning the corner to watch me snatch it up.  He would have been mashed for sure.  I don't blame him for biting me.  I came out of nowhere and just grabbed him.  I would have bit me too:)

Gorgeous Fox Snakes

A Small Common Garter Snake (pooped on me too)

Other Night Time Highlights

Two Rabid Wolf Spiders (Rabidosa rabida)

Leaf Footed Bug (Family Coreidae) 

Oh, and yes, the new headlamp worked out great.  Black Diamond Icon, 200 lumens, etc.  Awesome!


  1. I was wondering where you had gotten off to!

    Like the new digs.

    Love the foxsnake photos!

  2. Thanks Trailblazer. I did disappear for awhile. A new job description is keeping me quite busy these days. Another reason why I'm hiking at night. I am really just seeing more at night. I'm ready for the foliage to start dropping. I've been by your blog several times. Sorry comments have been so sparse.


  3. That fox snake is STUNNING. Absolutely gorgeous.
    I have a deep love of wolf spiders..there are several monsters that hunt on the siding of my house at night. I love watching them.

  4. Hey Samantha, thanks for visiting and commenting. I love wolf spiders as well, and have seen some really large ones around here. Watching them pounce on their prey is awesome. I think I have mis-identified the first photo of the spider in the web. I don't think it is a rabid wolf spider, although the second one definitely is. I'm still trying to get a better ID.


  5. I kind of gave up ID after "wolf spider". It's almost as bad as trying to ID sparrows!
